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Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

St. George Orthodox Syrian Church, Pali

The parish has 21 subscribing members and a total of 55 people attend the Holy Qurbana which is celebrated on 2nd and 5th Sundays. The spiritual organizations of the church are moving ahead with strength of 10 students in Sunday school and 20 members in Martha Mariam Samajam who meet regularly and are working diligently striving towards the goals of their formation. The Church actively part takes in Charity under the Guidance and Leadership of the Vicar.

Rev. Fr. Jacob George
Plot No. 40, Sardar Club Scheme
Jodhpur, Rajasthan – 342011
Phone: 0291-2671587 (R)
Mob: 9417261322, 9447661961

Mr. James Mathew
Mr. Shibu Thomas


Metropolitan's Message

Dearly Beloved, "Travelling in Life and Travelling Guidelines" One of the most familiar and appealing similes of life is travel, how our birth points to its starting point and death marking its terminus, but with the anticipation of its ultimate joyful destiny of union with God in heaven. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that…

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