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Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

Helpline Number for Diocesan Members on any queries and assistance regarding COVID-19

Dear all family members of our Diocese,

Please note the DELHI DIOCESE COVID-19, HELPLINE NUMBER: 7291991741(Dr.Mathew Varghese). Kindly give maximum publicity to this helpline number among our members. And please message or call Dr. Mathew Varghese for your queries and doubts about Covid 19.

For any further assistance, please do call 9810397795.

Fr Saji Yohannan(Diocesan Secretary)


Metropolitan's Message

Dearly Beloved, "Travelling in Life and Travelling Guidelines" One of the most familiar and appealing similes of life is travel, how our birth points to its starting point and death marking its terminus, but with the anticipation of its ultimate joyful destiny of union with God in heaven. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that…

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