Indian Orthodox Diaspora (IOD)
The Indian Orthodox Diaspora is rather a late edition to the list of official spiritual organisations of the Church. The inception of the Diaspora Movement can be attributed to the late Job Mar Philoxenos, the second Metropolitan of the Diocese. A movement that takes care of the spiritual needs and aspirations of the second and third generation people, especially those born and raised up outside Kerala.
To know more, visit it’s website:
Indian Orthodox Diaspora Office Bearers:
President: H.G. Dr. Youhanon Mar Demetrios
Rev. Fr. Cherian Joseph | Vice President | 7507195227 |
Mr. Jojo Thomas | Secretary | 9811773105 |
Mr. Santosh K. Joy | Joint Secretary | 981020632 |
Mr. James P. JohnMr. Mathews T. Kurian | TreasurerCo Treasurer | 98102935359971687058 |