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Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

Martha Mariam Vanitha Samajam (MMVS)

Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam is the Women’s wing of the Malankara Orthodox Church of India. It is one of the major spiritual organization of the church combining all the female members. It is spread throughout the world in all the 30 Dioceses and functioning in all parishes of the church.

The organization was founded in 1928 aimed at the spiritual progress of women. The founders named it “Marth Mariam Samajam” after the Blessed Virgin Mary whom they accepted as their interceding saint. It was started under the patronage of the Late Very Rev. M.C. Kuriakose Ramban and with the leadership of K.M. Annamma. and co-workers. 


The Movement has ever been blessed with the visionary leaders who have nurtured and nourished the movement against the challenges of the time.

Patron: His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Mathews III (Catholicos of the East & Malankara Metropolitan)

President: His Grace Dr. Yuhanon Mar Diascoros 

Vice-President: Fr. Mathews Varghese Pulimoottil

General Secretary:  Prof. Mary Mathew

Joint Secretary: Mrs. Mariamma Chacko

Treasurer: Mrs. Kuttiyamma Mathew

Martha Mariam Vanitha Samajam and the Diocese of Delhi

President: H. G. Dr. Youhanon Mar Demetrios, Diocesan Metropolitan

Rev. Fr. Yakob BabyVice President9074210221
Ms. Jessy PhilipGeneral Secretary
Ms. Asha Mariam RoyJoint Secretary
Ms. Beena VijuTreasurer
Ms. Mini Varghese
Ms. Wilsy Wilson


Metropolitan's Message

Dearly Beloved, "Travelling in Life and Travelling Guidelines" One of the most familiar and appealing similes of life is travel, how our birth points to its starting point and death marking its terminus, but with the anticipation of its ultimate joyful destiny of union with God in heaven. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that…

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