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Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Delhi Orthodox Diocese – Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church

Malankara Association

The Mulanthuruthy Synod, convened by the Patriarch Peter III in 1876, resolved to sub-divide the Church into seven dioceses and to have an elected body called the Malankara Syrian Christian Association to manage and control all the religious and social concerns of the whole Church.

The Constitution has clearly defined the composition and representation of the Association. In Article 71 states, “A priest and two laymen elected by each parish general body and the members of the existing Managing Committee shall be members of the Association.” This was later amended in course of time by the Hon’ble Supreme Court directive to determine the representation based on the strength of each parish.

The Malankara Metropolitan is the President of the Association and the bishops having administrative charge of a diocese shall be the Vice-Presidents of the Association.

The Association is the body that elects the members of the Managing Committee, bishops and the Catholicos and the Malankara Metropolitan.

The Malankara Syrian Christian Association (2022-2027) – Final List for the Diocese of Delhi.

Click the link to download the List: The Malankara Syrian Christian Association(2022-2027) – Delhi Diocese


Metropolitan's Message

Dearly Beloved, "Travelling in Life and Travelling Guidelines" One of the most familiar and appealing similes of life is travel, how our birth points to its starting point and death marking its terminus, but with the anticipation of its ultimate joyful destiny of union with God in heaven. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that…

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